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    Tuesday, June 16, 2009

    Update! Camping News and Haulage!

    Ok guys its been almost a week since I got back from my camping trip, sorry about the late post. It's taken me this long to make this post cause my wifi at home has been acting up and the only high-speed connection available is at work. I thinks its kind of bad to spend the time you're sipposed to be working sitting on the computer blogging, but whatever you gotta do what you gotta do. Anyway, so about the camping trip it was fun, although there was things about it that sucked. For instance, my hair looked crazy for most of the time because my hair doesn't know how to rough it. I also lost a really cute shoe when I fell out of my canoe into the river. Oh and yes I do mean shoe singular because I only lost one but the other served no purpose so I had to chuck it. I also got a terrible sunburn when we went canoeing so I have been itchy since last Tuesday and for two days after that my lips were swollen four times their size. So I looked monstrous, but hey despite all this I had a good time. enough about the camping bad luck and on to my latest MAC haul. On the Saturday before I left to go camping, I made my latest MAC order and I got it Thursday. I bought nine eye shadow pans and a pro palette. I also got a free sample of Zoomlash mascara (I gave it to my mom). Other than my MAC haul I got 2 Max Factor lipsticks, but they don't really have names so I'll list the number for you guys.

    MAC Haul
    Parfait Amour
    Satin Taupe

    Max Factor Lipsticks

    Ok onto my summer reading, just in case you didn't know I am an avid reader (I read super fast). Ok so I love Chelsea Handler and have been dying to purchase her book, Are You There, Yodka? It's Me, Chelsea., ever since I heard her talk about it on her show, Chelsea Lately. It's just like her comedy on her show, supper random and hilarious. I would definitely say this is a must read for those who love chelsea Handleror those who like "classy" dirtyhumor. I'm also a huge fan of TrueBlood theHBO show about vampires. Ijust read the first and second books in the series that the show is based on. Tey are both brilliant, in my opinion, very good for those who likethe paranormal but in light doses with heavy measures of humor and romance. The books are by Charlaine Harris and the first two are Dead Until Dark and Living Dead in Dallas. I think the new season of the show just started, for all of you who have HBO [not me:(] check it out. Right now I'm reading Stori Telling by Tori Spelling. I find itsnot a big suprise it's a best seller, its suprisingly good, but it may just be because I'm a big Tori Spelling fan. Well I think this is the longest post I have ever made without pictures, lol, but anyway this is it fo now. Check ya lata!